// Instructions for setting up an image gallery Before you start: Copy files over to project folder. Make sure your Javascript (.js) files go in the "js" directory, your css file goes in the css directory and the images go into your images folder. You will also need the photos/images you want to use in your gallery ready. As you add the code below make sure all of your paths are correct for YOUR SITE Step One: Make sure you have a link to the jquery.js library in the section Step Two: Make sure you have a link to the media-gallery plug and the media-gallery stylesheet in your section Step Three: Add the activation script to the section of your document Step Four: Copy the "media-gallery" folder from the images folder for the plug in and paste it into your images for your site. Step Five: Setup your gallery with your images. Notes: 1) Use the rel="gallery[gallery#]" on each image. Replace the # with the number of the gallery. This will allow you to have more than one gallery on a page. Notice in the example below how one gallery is "gallery1" and the second is "gallery2". 2) You can add either images or links to videos to the href attribute of the tag. The first gallery below has images while the second gallery has links to videos. 3) The "alt" attribute holds the caption for the photo or video 4) The width and height properties below set the width and height of the thumbnail on the page. // Alt Format for heading tags // Large Gallery