29 Feb. 2000

Dear _NAME
It seems we met
in 19 _DATE

FIRST_ I must apologise for not keeping in touch! I am a visual artist and letter-writing has never been a priority. Shame.
SECOND_ I find I have an enormous number of addresses. Collected over almost thirty years from people I've met on my travels, I expect it's time to find out who's where.
THIRD_ this seems an auspicious year to update and annotate and utilize the list. My mom died last year and she left me a little house. This sad event and my age (OMIGOD, I'm already through with my thirties!) have slightly curbed my wanderlust. I'll pretty much stay put for at least a year. SO I've begun this project. I propose to create a piece of art. As an oil painter who works almost exclusively from photos, I am asking for snapshots, from which I will develop a work involving your "likeness". The conceit of this project rests in its happenchance ; our having been in the same place at the same time and at least relating our addresses. With over 100 potential respondents, the exact form will develop haphazardly. Depending on the quantity, this could become a single or multiple format process. I'm thinking to put together a group of drawings or paintings relating to our "global village". The structural relationships will depend on where I met you and / or where you live - when / if you reply. The medium will depend on the responses, as will the relationships within the image(s). From you- I hope you might send me two photos- one current and one from the time period when I met you (to jog my fading memory as well as fodder for the project). They can be front, back, clothed, naked, face only, in situ, alone, in a group, active, sedentary… you select. An e-mailed jpeg. or gif. image would be just fine. Send something you like, but don't need returned. I can't say what you may gain from your contribution other than the satisfaction of rekindling memories of your own travels. As a poor starving artist, I currently work in a small art materials shop to support my artistic endeavors.The project will be documented and, at the very least, added to my website << >>. If finances allow, I would like to send out a signed reproduction of the final product to each contributor. I expect to have something completed by the end of the year (Y2K).
Lastly_ I want to thank you for helping me with this rather nostalgic ringing in of the new century. I hope this finds your situation looking up and forward and creatively stimulating!

looking forward to hearing from you
strive to be happy
slan go foïl

Patrick Cocklin

MY ADDRESS              
