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The " painter " quartet evolved from a public commission to paint the bottom of the Sandy Hill wading pool (City of Ottawa,Canada).
I surveyed the site, chose an image (previously worked out through watercolour and oil paintings) and produced a new, oversized painting.
The surveillance camera (thank-you Tom Leonhardt, Vancouver) was then focused on the painter.
I chose to counterfeit stopped actions dealing with physical balance... stretch, stand, squat, pendulum.
On these canvases the figure deliberately altering his environment is coloured with the heat of the day as he concentrates on an unknown, expressive task.
His ground is unsure, yet the strokes determined, he reaches to his next daub or stirs his pigment.
The viewer can only speculate on the possible subject of his occupation.
These are paintings of a painter painting a painting of a painting of a painting_ four peeks at a fourth generation_ quartet.

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