The Perils of Electropollution; The Promise of Electromedicine


Dr. Robert O. Becker


Similar to control systems theory (Norbert Weiner/biofeedback/thermostats), low energy signals to and from the thermostat (brain) regulates a much higher energy system, the furnace (embryonic differentiation, growth and subsequent biological healing).  In lower vertebrates e.g. salamanders the "signalling" goes so far as to regenerate missing parts (salamanders can regenerate, in full detail, a foreleg, hind leg, eye, ear, up to 1/3 brain, almost all digestive tract, up to 1/2 of its heart).  This DC signalling system operates, on the 'incoming' side, from the acupuncture meridians to the older 'analogue' computer, then out thru the nerves, but not the nerve centres - rather the sheathing around the nerves.  (The inner nerve system is controlled by the newer, digital brain which is much faster and is triggered by the senses and activates the motor system).


Differentiation, growth and healing instructions travel slower than is necessary for the sensory 'fight/flight' life maintenance system.  In the case of some diseases, e.g. cancer, inappropriate growth occurs because of a foul-up in the incoming signal (hence the analogue computer's erroneous corrective direction) - in many cases because of man-made electro-pollution, energy fields confuse the incoming signals. DNA in a cell may mutate but the old brain not recognize the internal signals because of 'static' on the line and hence not send out remedial instructions, and the affected cells, by now returned to their highly active embryonic mode, regenerate profusely - the growing tumour,  (The inclination of cells to return to their embryonic state is a necessary step in normal healing of wounds (de-differentiation of cellular material which is then used in closing the wound).


All biological cycles are directly related to the planet's magnetic field (which averages about 1/2 gauss, with a daily change in strength of less than 0.1 gauss - compared to a refrigerator door magnet at 200 gauss strength).  All living organisms have the ability to sense these daily minute cycles in the Earth's magnetic field and use them to time their respective biological cycles. E.g. bacterium contains a chain of tiny magnets - crystals of natural mineral magnetite (lodestone), which are used to orient themselves to the natural field.  Migrating birds' brains are fitted with a magnetic sensing system which uses lines of the Earth's magnetic field.  Our pineal gland is (aside from its ability to measure natural light for regulatory purposes) sensitive to the Earth's daily magnetic field cyclic pattern, and from that derived "clock" information produces our necessary melatonin, serotonin, dopamine and other active chemical substances to instruct all the other glands in the body.  Magnetic storms (triggered by solar flares) can affect the pineal's ability to manufacture/release its chemical instructions, with both physical and psychological results. 

Similarly, other man-made 'storms' in the electromagnetic field (telecommunication signals, microwaves, motor field pulses) can influence the pineal's action.  Nature intended the pineal to simultaneously receive the same signals from the daily pattern of day-night and the same rise and fall in the geomagnetic field.  When one or both signals are abnormal, the pineal will respond abnormally.  Micro pulsations in the 10 Hz (10 cycles per second) frequency are both the planet's key field frequency (0 - 30 Hz) and that used by biological electro-sensing systems (also the major component in EEG/MEG frequencies).


In hypnosis, the conscious mind controls the level of activity of the DC control system, selectively producing declines in the DC potentials from the incoming meridians, so that specific nerves are anaesthetized.  "Under hypnosis, humans may be given verbal commands to the conscious digital-system portions of the brain, which can then effectively control the operations of the DC analogue system.  Since the primitive analogue system controls growth and healing, it is possible that under certain conditions, conscious thought can cause healing."


Three Types of Energy Medicine

1)          Minimal-energy techniques - treatment methods that only attempt to activate pre-existing energetic control systems. Hypnosis and shamans and visualization are examples; also placebo, religious experience/healing, biofeedback, meditation. The nocebo effect also applies.  The Monroe hemi-sync "beat" frequency (difference between R and L frequencies) is another example.

2)          Energy-reinforcement techniques - external energies are administered to the body, but in amounts similar to those that the body uses in its own energetic control systems. Examples - acupuncture and homeopathy.  In the latter, extreme (no-trace) dilutions and "succussion" (agitation) to potentiate (Hahnemann) the material, which in the patient transfers a single electron to the appropriate receptor group on the cell surface to call forth a major biological response (Law of Similars).  The system is thereby activated to generate the necessary self-healing response, which deals with the problem (which it apparently formerly had not recognized as a disease).  The dilution in homeopathy is so faint that no molecular trace of the agent can be found - the analogy being given of that of a moth releasing a sex phernome into the air, the wind mixes (dilutes) it and miles away a moth senses the phernome trace and locates its mate.

Arnica ointment relieves pain, resolves swelling and vanishes bruise clots. (If washed off the skin, effectiveness is lost and the arnica must be re-applied.  The conclusion is that it may work on the acupuncture DC system). Arnica is more effective in soft   tissue than in bone (e.g. arthritis).

Urtica Urens - derived from the common stinging nettle, is good for first or second- degree burns, before blister formation.

Acupuncture blocks pain signals from proceeding along the meridians of the DC system towards the brain.  Each acupuncture "point" is like a 'step-up' amplifier boosting the DC signal, and the needle sets up a small field (chemical reaction + rotational), which interrupts the pain/wound signal. (Placebo effect not applicable, as per veterinarian acupuncture success). Acupuncture has been found to be very effective in treatment of arthritic joints in animals (84% of animals having degenerative joint disease were relieved and X-rays (before and after) confirmed regeneration of joint cartilage.  The flow of the DC currents is minute in strength, and usage of electronic acupuncture involving heavier, more intrusive electricity is not recommended.

Trace-element therapy, e.g. cobalt to enhance semi-conducting structures in the body is inconclusive.

3)          High-energy transfer techniques - external energies applied in amounts greater than those occurring naturally - examples are technological boosters such as TENS, magnetic therapy, electro-therapy - the latter using spaced electrodes, may generate heat or ionic pollution (electrolysis) destructive to tissue. TENS units (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) expose large volumes of a patient's tissues to substantial electrical currents that are pulsing at frequencies not normally present in the Earth's electromagnetic field.  Such forces do have important and very often undesirable side effects. Becker does not recommend TENS use, especially to the head, neck and spinal cord, nor the use of strong, pulsing magnetic fields to the head, yet recognizes the use of electricity in facilitating bone fracture healing.          Electrotherapy in cancer may dissolve one tumour but stimulate nearby ones to grow. Overuse of MRI may also stimulate tissue growth.


"Whenever a patient develops a profound belief in the efficacy of ANY treatment, he is in a state resembling self-hypnosis and has access to the DC electrical control systems". Simple wishing is inadequate - a real connection is necessary to activate the healing system. 

- The use of minimal energy techniques only as a "last resort" (after orthodox treatments have reduced or destroyed the patient's own resistance systems) is less effective.


Electropollution - The exposure of living organisms to abnormal electromagnetic fields results in significant abnormalities in physiology and function.  Our bodies receive signal energy from all the TV stations, FM and AM radio stations, short-wave transmitters, radar devices, electric power transmission lines, etc., some of which produce both thermal and non-thermal effects on biological tissue.  At least 30% of genetic developmental defects are externally related, e.g. from ionizing radiation (X-ray e.g.).  Children born to fathers who were military radar operators had significantly higher Down's.  Some towns are microwave "hot-spots" (Vernon, N.J.) with Down's at 1000% higher incidence. 


High-tension 60 Hz power lines and distribution lines have both genetic and carcinogenic effects. (In both cases thru confusion of the natural communication systems of the animal or human). ELF (extremely low field) magnetic fields as small as 1 milligauss have the potential to produce developmental abnormalities in growing embryos. The effect of man-made electromagnetic fields, regardless of their frequencies, create alterations in neurochemicals, resulting in behavioural abnormalities such as suicide; alteration of biological cycles; stress responses which lead to declines in immune-system efficiency; alterations in learning ability; embryo abnormalities; effect on growing cells, e.g. increase in rate of cancer cell division; increase in incidence of certain cancers - lymphoma, myeloma and melanoma 100% (1975 - 1990); breast cancer - 31%; testicular cancer - 97%; pancreatic - 20%; kidney - 142%; colon - 63%.  All these cancers are in tissues with continuous rates of cell division.  Some cancers have declined - cervix because of earlier diagnosis/treatment, stomach cancer (change in diet) but overall the war against cancer is being lost.


The Healer Phenomenon - For the healer to be able to diagnose the site of a pathology, the signal that is returned to the healer's hand from a pathological tissue must be different from the signal of the same tissue when normal.  (The difference produced by a deviation from the normal amount of target ions or particles present or by an abnormal electronic state of the target ions or particles).


The New Plagues

                      i.            Electromagnetic - Hypersensitivity Syndrome - hospital operating rooms, computer consoles, TV/stereo, cell phones, computerized automobiles, all can lead to confusion, depression, memory problems, sleep disorders.

                   ii.            Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - often confused with mononucleosis or Epstein-Barr virus in symptoms, but sensitivity to EM fields is present.

                 iii.            Aids - perhaps a mutation of a pre-existing virus as a result of abnormal EM fields.

                 iv.            Autism - statistically linked with developmental problems in the cerebellum - studies on newborn animals exposed to 50 Hz power frequency fields indicated defects in the cerebellum.

                    v.            Fragile X Syndrome - almost as frequent as Down's - occurs at stage of early fertilized egg mitosis - the X chromosomes fragment because of failure in the chromatin to properly glue the DNA - again a defect in the cerebellum.

                 vi.            SIDS - inadequate serotonin levels, perhaps resulting in depression of respiratory controls (a pineal reaction to man-made environmental electromagnetic fields?)

               vii.            Alzheimer’s - autopsy studies on chimpanzees exposed to microwaves (low level, non-thermal) suggest the typical pathology of Alzheimer’s.

            viii.            Parkinson’s - based on increase of 50% in number of pre-50 year old people getting this disease (over past 30 years) suggest an environmental factor at work.

                 ix.            Cancer - as indicated earlier, abnormal electromagnetic fields have a stimulatory effect on cancer cells and also alter the genetic apparatus of dividing cells.  (This may be closer to the real reason of increased melanoma incidence, rather than ozone depletion - which occurs only over the polar regions as yet).

                    x.            Mental Diseases - 1984 NIMH estimates 20% of U.S. population had mental disorders serious enough to warrant psychiatric treatment (people under 45 had twice the rate of dysfunction compared to those over 45).  The increase is not in true psychoses (e.g. schizophrenia and manic-depression) but in neuroses, e.g. depression, phobias, antisocial personality traits, alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.  Again an environmental factor influencing the pineal gland and its serotonin secretion suggest abnormal electromagnetic fields as being the responsible factor, especially in early life.


Specific Risks

                            i.            electric blankets - 50 to 100 milligauss vs. the 1 - 3 milligauss normal field

                         ii.            electric razors - 200 mg to 400 mg but of very short exposure

                       iii.            ambient field - the background field strength in the home, as a result of power lines, proximity to radio stations, radar, etc.  Suburban average 1 - 3 mg; rural less than 1 mg.

                       iv.            TV's - both ionizing radiation and back-sweep circuitry fields are present; and one has to sit well back from set or be exposed to more than 1 mg.  Rats placed 12" from commercial TV's, 4 hours per day for 60 days gave birth to smaller offspring and male rats had reduced testicular sizes; in both there were growth problems and problems in brain functions.

                          v.            personal computers - similar to TV's but problem magnified by closer sitting   distance and centring on the head, giving rise to electromagnetic hypersensitivity, miscarriages. Moving the display screen and hard drive at least 30" from the keyboard will reduce field level to average of 1 mg. Pre-1983 models worse.

                       vi.            florescent lights - 10W tube produces a field of 6 mg at 2", 2 mg at 6" and 1 mg at 1foot. A 10W tube produces a magnetic field at least 20 times greater than a 60W incandescent bulb.

                     vii.            bedside alarm clock - 5 to 10 mg two feet away. The dose rate over 8 hours at this range is heavy.

                  viii.            hair dryers - 1200W model produces 50 mg at 6" and 10mg at 18" - exposure time is low as for razors.

                       ix.            electric heaters - 4-foot long baseboard produces 23 mg at 6"; 8 mg at 1 foot; 3 mg  at 2 feet.  Small portables produce approximately as much but are more dangerous as usually placed closer to the body.

                          x.            microwave ovens - do not stand in front of oven when in use.

                       xi.            cordless telephones - not rated but generation of handset magnetic field so close to brain suggests usage for short periods only.


To make your own field measurements - Battery operated AM radio tuned to "white noise" - hold close to appliance/tool/motor/turn on and back away until you no longer hear the interference.  (This is approximately 1 mg) - will not work on electric stoves or hair dryers at these give off 60 Hz only. 


Source of equipment for measuring EM fields - excellent, inexpensive 60 Hz monitor for homeowner use: Integrity Electronics and research, 558 Breckenridge St., Buffalo, NY 14222.

    Or: Epston Science, 3350 Dufferin St. Toronto(416)787-4581

          EMF Gauss meter $49.95


[Addendum – 6-02

      Dr. Robert Becker (book review)- explores Becker's work in the plus-minus "cross-currents" of EM Field research - both the therapeutic and harmful sides of AC, DC, and pulsed magnetic fields. Using a gauss-meter, it is simple to demonstrate domestic magnetic gauss-field effects associated with house circuitry, power tools, fluorescent lights, monitors, LDCs, microwaves, automotive passenger compartment, etc. This book kicked off a lot of research by us into this area (many of the source books are difficult to access), and later led to the Laurentian University Neurosciences website of Dr. Michael Persinger and that of his Northern California associate researcher, Todd Murphy,


Persinger pioneered the use of computer driven prescriptive analogues of pulse magnetic frequencies (e.g. the Koren helmet) and - as a therapy for psychological/psychiatric treatment - many hospitals in the US and Canada now favor that modality over ECT(electro-convulsive therapy) since magnetic frequencies transmit well thru bone (skull), whereas electricity has to firstly be strong enough to overcome bone resistance, and thereby is apt to screw up other functions like cognitive controls and memory quanta; Murphy uses a variant called 'Shakti' (headband with strategically placed solenoids, with frequency waveforms driven via PC soundcard/CD-ROM). He works a lot with Aids patients in the SF area, and sells his CD-ROM on-line. Additionally, any good search engine can turn up a gazillion research papers/references to Persinger's published findings.]


Addendum 8-02:

Dr. Robert Becker studied not just the immune system — which "heals" nothing at all, not even its own damaged cells — but also the cellular regenerative system.  He and others found that tiny trickle currents and potentials — either steady or pulsed — placed across otherwise intractable bone fractures, would result in a rather astounding set of cellular changes which led to healing of the fracture by deposit of new bone.  Eerily, Becker showed that the red blood cells coming into the area and under the EM influence, would shuck their hemoglobin and grow cellular nuclei (i.e., dedifferentiate back to an earlier cellular state).  Then these cells would redifferentiate into the type of cells that made cartilage. Then those cells would differentiate into the type of cells that make bone, and be deposited in the fracture to "grow bone" and heal the fracture.  Incredibly, this is the only true "healing" modality in all Western medical science — which is otherwise built upon the theory of intervention rather than healing.  After the intervention (which may be quite necessary!), the body's cellular regenerative system — or what is left of it after damage by such interventions as chemotherapy, etc. — is left entirely upon its own to restore the damage (heal the damaged cells and tissues).  Becker was twice nominated for a Nobel Prize.  But because he also testified in court against power companies, giving testimony as an expert witness that EM radiation from power lines could indeed induce harmful conditions in some exposed people, he was suppressed and eventually forced to retire.                                                                                                                                   (from Col Tom Bearden)




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