Emergence in Monument Valley





Toward the northern eastern corner of Arizona, close to an area called ‘The Four Corners’ where the States of Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico abut, lies Monument Valley, famous as a backdrop to countless movies and commercials. This is in the northern sector of the present Navajo Nation reservation, reduced at one time to a mere 8,000 natives, now back up to 210,000 strength and sovereign over an area of 62,000 sq. mi. and having its own administrative system, including courts, schools and policing. The Navajo, as a people, are relatively recent immigrants to the area, arriving in the l8th century along with their cousins - the Apache - from the far north. Their language root is that of the Athabaskans – they are the Diné people.


The Navajo possess one of the best-preserved native cultures in North America. Their social structure is based on bonds of kinship, with descent traced through the mother. The traditional Navajo dwelling is the hogan, usually six or eight-sided, constructed of logs, covered with earth, and having only one doorway and that opens to the east so the Navajo can welcome the morning sun.


In common with most Native Americans, the Navajo believe that the universe exists as an Almighty, a spiritual force that is the source of all life. The Almighty is not pictured as a man in the sky, but is believed to be formless and omni-present throughout the universe. The sun is viewed as the power of the Almighty. The Navajo are not worshipping the sun, but praying to the Almighty, and the sun is a sign and symbol for that presence.  Like other Native Americans, the Navajo show little interest in an afterlife, assuming that the souls of the dead go to another part of the universe where they have a new existence and carry on everyday activities as though they were still alive - just in a different world.


Prior to the arrival of the Navajo, who tend to be movement oriented, this high desert plateau was occupied by the more settled Hopi, Zuni and Pueblo tribes whose legends trace their lineage to a root Anasazi (The Ancient Ones) civilization which had connections with the great Mesoamerican cultures flourishing millennia ago further south. Scattered throughout the Navajo Nation are numerous ruins dating back to the Anasazi era, the foundations of the buildings still apparent, in part because of the arid conditions of this high desert which only receives an average of 4-10 centimeters of rainfall per annum.


The landscape of Monument Valley is characterized by tall, red sandstone buttes, mesas, and arches created by erosion, rising up to 300 m (1,000 ft) from a sandy plain. These formations are topped by ‘cap-stones’ of rock which, over the ages, protected the lower sedimentary layers from erosion whilst the surrounding plain was worn down by wind and water.


Marnie and I talked with the Navajo wherever there was an opportunity. Being outdoors oriented, herders of sheep and cattle, lovers of the horse – at ease in nature – we found those we met to be most friendly, their usual address being “Ya at eeh”, meaning “Welcome”. Near the “Right and Left Mittens” pictured above, we chatted with a herder who, when he learned of our interest in the old Anasazi ruins, told us of the location of a site in the nearby dry hills. Sure enough, following his instructions we located the eroded outlines of an old settlement, including ball court area and the circular outline of a ceremonial kiva. In the traditional southwest corner of the kiva was a depression in the ground – this would have been the location of the ritual sipupu hole – conduit to the “underworld” from which the Anasazi believed all creation had emerged into this world. This concept of “emergence” of order is not to be construed as ‘from without’, but ‘from within’ consciousness itself – the primal stirring of that within the ‘deep’ into manifestation. Emergence is the ‘bud’ of intent towards consciousness and organization.


To the Ancient Ones, the sipupu was also the conduit through which, in the altered state of their religious rites, the

Anasazi had communicated with their kin across distance, and also with their departed ancestors when in need of

guidance. What better place to meditate – a hallowed place wherein to partake in the ancient process. Surely it

 would be good to communicate with a father who had died the previous year with many unresolved issues

             between us, and with an adult child who was estranged by distance and circumstance.

            After centering, stilling and opening to Source, indeed the voice of my father emerged from within

                      and this is what was “heard”:

Cloud Callout: “Ya at eeh, my son – not long ago we parted under difficult circumstances, and it is good that you approach me again. In fact I have been with you all along, as it is through your eyes which I now see the hawk, and through your ears which I hear the hound. When walking life’s path I never talked with you of love – Often men do not speak the words of love to their children. But now it’s easier for me to do so.  Hear /feel my love for you. And know of my pride in you, son, not just because you are doing things that in my own life were only dreamed of by me, but because of the way in which you are approaching matters, and of the ideals that guide your quest. Whether you know it or not, this quest is your own alignment with love – a unique relationship between you and your Source in this marvelous garden into which you were born and are now realizing yourself. This is the ongoing love affair between Life and her creatures, and everyone has to find that ongoing living truth of Life’s non-conditioned love, for himself. All of us in our dance with Life swim in a sea of love from beginning through now to next beginning - yet in the daily dance of life we don't recognize the reality sea of Life’s sustaining force of love any more than a fish knows the concept of the water within which it lives and without which it is not. 
Please speak to my grandchild who needs to hear of love from us”.



































Emerging from meditation, I looked over to Marnie and she asked if I was ready to leave; “Soon” I said “but first there is something which I must do”, and re-entered the stream and felt my father’s love

re-transmitted in my own words to our child far away:







Cloud Callout: “Ya at eeh, our beloved child; we have had our differences – yet be assured of our love for you, of our respect for your principles and of our acceptance of your actions. This is your life, and we want you to know that we, your parents, understand your allegiance to your own internal instructor, and you have our fullest endorsement. This is our expression to you of empowering love, our essential truth which we presume to reduce to mere words and which yet is the most fundamental of all truths. The very existence of life is based on a universal sea of love – as it were, the background existential ‘microwave’ hum – and when this all-powerful force is scaled through intention to incarnation, it is known to the wise sage as "Desire". The seer looks yet deeper to see Desire’s cause and purpose -and senses this force as being the holy thought of ‘Life’ to emerge, herself, into LIFE manifest - in any and all of its joyous and distressing disguises. 
Intrinsic Being, having so desired, becomes. 

“Yes, we humans name pure, impersonal, disinterested desire - 'Love'- and we think that in the naming we can fully know it, yes even possess LOVE, but the difference between the primal force and its verbal counterpart is like that of substance to shadow. When the primordial love to which we refer ripens, it is so powerful that it puts on - for fleeting spans of time - all the diverse costumes of Life. In the temporality of manifestation, Life then performs the dance to which it aspired. Form becomes Flesh.  And thus Desire - love's force - becomes - Well, it becomes the living tree, the soaring hawk, the butterfly, and yes - becomes me, and it became your Mom - and in time, it became you. Your Mom and I desired and love all our children wholly - when we first met, that desire/love attracted us into conjoint union, we two became one and, in time, Life quickened and again renewed itself through new vehicles. [Actually we were quite surprised at what very little time life took to renew itself, but then we were enthusiastic students]. 
And as surely as our own parents loved and lived and now abide in us, we shall be with you always, our beloved one”.
















































Re-emerging and at peace, I took Marnie’s hand and we strolled from the ruins back to our car. The mid-morning wind was picking up on the high desert, and a ball of tumbleweed swept past us and into a saguaro cactus. Three days earlier, a rare half-inch of spring rain had fallen in the valley, and wild desert flowers were emerging around us as far as the eye could see – the high prairie would soon dry out again in a very few days, within which short time the full life cycle of the desert flowers must be compressed.









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