James Lovelock (1988)



The Gaia Hypothesis:

First proposed 15 yrs ago by British scientist James Lovelock and named after Gaia, the Greek Earth goddess, it proposes the revolutionary principle that the Earth is alive.  According to the Gaia Hypothesis, life shapes and controls the environment, rather than the other way around.  The two have evolved together and every individual life form, from microbe to man, is involved - simply by its own life processes - in homeostatic systems that have evolved to operate on a global scale.


In 1910, Vernadsky, a Ukrainian scientist, described the biosphere as "the envelope of life, i.e. the area of living matter (biosphere) can be regarded as the area of the earth's crust occupied by transformers which convert cosmic radiations into effective terrestrial energy; electrical, chemical, mechanical, thermal, etc."


The Gaia hypothesis supposes that the atmosphere, the oceans, the climate, and the crust of Earth are all regulated at a state comfortable for life because of the behaviour of living organisms.  Specifically, it states that the temperature, oxidation rate, acidity, and certain aspects of the rocks and waters are at any time kept constant, and that this homeostasis is maintained by active feedback processes operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota.  Solar energy sustains comfortable conditions for life.  The conditions are only constant in the short term and evolve in synchrony with the changing needs of the biota as it evolves.  Life and its environment are so closely coupled that evolution itself is Gaia, not the organisms or the environment taken separately.


Earth atmosphere comprises:   CO2       -  0.03%

                                          Nitrogen - 78.0%

                                          Oxygen   - 21.0%

                                          Argon      -  1.0%

                                          Methane  - (1.7ppm)


Lovelock makes reference to the computer models of Daisyworld showing the solar radiation reflective/absorptive power of foliage/water crystals/ice caps in cloud formations to smooth out the earth's mean temperature, notwithstanding an increasing solar intensity of 30% during the 3.6 billion yrs since micro life commenced – (total age of Earth being 4.5 billion years).


Reference is made to evolution not being a gradual process, but rather greatly influenced by periodic catastrophes (e.g. approx. 30 strikes by planetoids, up to 10 mi in diameter and travelling 60 x sound speed, releasing 1000 x energy of all present nuclear weapon stocks, creating 200 mi craters and destroying up to 90% of all living organisms).


The first life forms started from the molecular chemical equivalent of eddies and whirlpools, with single cells evolving over time into photosynthesizers which could tap the sun's energy to convert their own food from the available minerals. In time, cyanobacteria became able to break the strong bonds binding oxygen to hydrogen (creating 'free' oxygen) and oxygen to carbon (creating add'l free oxygen plus carbon which in the form of calcium became skeleton material). Bacteria used carbon dioxide as food, and discharged organic matter and oxygen (much as the photosynthesis of plant life today).  The oxygen initially was used in converting (oxidizing) minerals such as iron and sulphur into usable elements, later animal life evolved which could use the oxygen and thereby complete the gas cycle.


Since the beginning of Gaia’s cyclic self-sustaining system, the oceans have maintained a fairly constant salinity, called 0.6 molar (about 4% salt by weight). The salinity of the blood of whales, humans, mice and most fish, whether dwelling in the ocean or in fresh water, is identical, approx. 0.16 molar (1% salt:water by weight).


In a well vegetated region, the soil contains 10 to 40 times the CO2 content of the atmosphere, since the vegetation pumps it out of the air (via leaves/grasses), deep into the soil thru the roots, where it reacts with rock particles to free mineral elements, forming calcium carbonate and silicic acid, etc. which move with the ground water to the sea where these minerals are used by marine animals to form their shells and bones.  Over time, sedimented limestone and silica (from the shells) is deposited onto the sea floor and through plate tectonics becomes the stuff of mountains which in time weather down and again free the carbon dioxide from its "sink".


Acid rain and smog, while dangerous to local ecology and maybe fatal to humans in the end, would not bring Gaia itself to her knees on the long term.


Ozone depletion is not seen as a disaster since the effect of moderately excess solar radiation can be controlled naturally by variations in skin pigment, whereas radiation deficiency results in rickets and osteomalacia.  The problem with CFC's has more to do with greenhouse effect.


The downside effects of nuclear energy are acceptable bearing in mind it is non-polluting, compared to fossil fuels.


Gaia, the Living Earth, will endure thru its own systems – ridding itself of humans and other life forms, if necessary, in order to survive.


In ancient times, belief in a living Earth and in a living cosmos was the same thing.  Heaven and Earth were close and part of the same body.  As time passed and awareness grew of the vast distances of space and time through such inventions as the telescope, the Universe was comprehended and the place of God receded until now it hides behind the Big Bang, claimed to have started it all.  At the same time, as population increased so did the proportion forced to lead urban lives out of touch with Nature.  In the past two centuries we have nearly all become city dwellers, and seem to have lost interest in the meaning of both God and Gaia.  As the theologian Keith Ward wrote in December 1984:


"It is not that people know what God is, and have decided to reject Him.  It seems that very few people even know what the orthodox traditional idea of God shared by Judaism, Islam and Christianity, is.  They have not the slightest idea what is meant by the word God.  It just has no sense or possible place in their lives.  Instead they either invent some vague idea of a cosmic force with no practical implications at all; or they appeal to some half-forgotten picture of a bearded super-person constantly interfering with the mechanistic laws of Nature."




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