(William Cozzolino)


Dream Time

Student:    How did this reality begin?

Master:      Reality has no beginning, and no ending. What you call reality is and always has been a potential of The One, and there are many realities. For you, this reality began when your mind began giving attention to a possibility of The One that was the focus of your desire and intent. What you call your reality was but one of many experiences available to you. Realities are nothing more than experiences isolated within limited awareness. Experiences become limited when you lose awareness of the potential of The One within them. When many agree on the same limited experience, and when the many lose awareness, reality becomes a shared illusion. The illusion is not in the experience. The illusion is in the conflict, in the separation.


The Movie Experience

Student:    Why is it that we remember most of what happens during the day but little of what happens when we dream at night?

Master:      Are you sure that you are dreaming while you are sleeping, or is it possible that you are awake in your dreams, and dreaming while you think you are awake?

Student:    This is not a dream. This is reality. I'm sitting here talking to you, and you're not a dream. I'm quite sure that I know the difference between being awake and being asleep. Things happen in dreams that aren't real. You can do things in your dreams that you could never do while you're awake.

Master:      What is it that you can do in a dream that you cannot do while you are awake?

Student:    Well, lot's of things happen in dreams that can't be real, I mean, you can even fly through the air in your dreams.

Master:      And this is not possible while you are, ah, what you call, awake?

Student:    You mean levitation. I suppose it is, but when it happens it's an exception.

        Master:      There can be no exceptions in an absolute reality. Exceptions only happen in dreams. Perhaps you have not yet awakened from your dream.



Master:      All that is, is of The One. There is no separation, no time as you know it, and no limitation in The One. All that is, is of The One.


The Paradigm

Student:    Is there a time when the secrets of the universe will be revealed?

Master:      There are no secrets in the universe. The One is not hidden. The One is obvious anywhere you choose to look. You need only look with the Heart.

Student:    We are looking. We're trying to learn and understand all we can about the world we live in.

Master:      You are looking with your mind. Your mind does not allow you to see clearly. Your mind decides, before you look, what you will see. You must learn to look with your Heart.


The mind and Mind

Master:      All that you experience is a product of your senses and is a result of your mind in action. It is your mind that makes this thing you call reality seem so real. Your mind is very limited. It gives you awareness of only those things that meet your expectations. You must learn to listen to your Heart.


The mind and the Computer

Student:    It's our mind that allows us to understand our world and ourselves. How can our mind be the cause of our limitations?

Master:      Your mind is not the cause. Your attention is the cause. You are now giving your attention to this conversation. In doing so, your mind is limiting your awareness.

Student:    But I can't talk to you without thinking about it.

Master:      Are you aware of what is going on around you while we talk?

Student:    Not just then, but I can be just by thinking about it.

Master:      And you can still speak with me?

Student:    Yes, of course.

Master:      Are you aware of what is happening outside while we talk?

Student:    If I don't pay attention to our conversation, I won't be able to interact with you.

Master:      Perhaps if you gave less attention to what is going on in your mind as a result of our conversation, you would become more aware of what is being said.

Student:    You mean don't think about it?

Master:      You may think about it, but do not limit your thoughts so much. Allow your mind to drift, to expand. Listen to the answers being given without words by those around you, by the growing of the trees, by the flowing of the water, by the wind.


The mind is a Powerhouse

Student:    If I just allow my mind to wander, I won't even have any questions.

Master:      You will have questions, but you will also have answers.

Student:    I'll have the answers to all my questions?

Master:      Answers arrive with the question. All that is, is of The One. The One is Balance. It is not possible to ask a question without the answer appearing. There is the Balance. But while your Heart already knows the answers, the attention of your mind is on the question. Here the limitations begin.

Student:    So the answers to every question are always with the ques­tion?

Master:      It must be so. Balance is. The answers are in the very energy of the question you voice.

Student:    So if I asked, "What's my son doing right now?" The answer would automatically be here?

Master:      That is correct. This is because of the Balance of The One.

Student:    And this is true of any question I ask?

Master:      Any thought you hold in your Heart contains the whole of that thought. Nothing is hidden in The One. Consider this carefully, and hold it in your Heart. Nothing is hidden in The One.



Paradigm Limits

Student:    Then the purpose of the mind is to limit all that information, all those answers?

Master:      This is not the purpose of the mind. Your mind allows you to experience your thoughts. Your thoughts, and your mind, are also of The One.

Student:    Is every single thought I have of The One?

Master:      All that is, is of The One. Every thought you have has its origin in The One. You are of The One. There is only The One.

Student:    Then everything that I can imagine is a possibility?

Master:      All that you can imagine is possible. What you can imagine is only that which has the potential to be, and that potential is of The One. A thought is a thing. If a thought were not possible, it would not have the potential to become a thing.


The Magic of Agreeing

Master:      When many agree on the same experience, and when the many lose awareness, the experience of reality becomes a shared illusion.

Student:    You mean that this whole world is an illusion?

Master:      Your reality is not an illusion. It is your creation, and it is very real. The illusion is in the limitation, in the conflict. Your reality is not the illusion. The illusion is that your reality is all that is.


Consensus Reality

Student:    If all this is an illusion, why does everybody experience the same thing?

Master:      Do all experience the same thing?

Student:    Well, we have different opinions about the little things, but the laws of physics are the same for all of us.

Master:      The laws of physics are the same for all?

Student:    Okay, some people seem to be able to overcome them sometimes, but they are pretty consistent.

Master:      When you are having what you call an illusion, you are experiencing something that others in your reality believe should not be. This is your personal illusion. It appears real only to you. It does not agree with the expectations of others. When many agree on an illusion, it does not appear as an illusion to them because it meets the expectations of the many. The laws you speak of are agreed upon by many. This only means that many have agreed upon the illusion. This does not mean that it is not an illusion.


Out There

Master:      All that is, is of The One. There is only The One.



Student:    It's easy to think of reality as an illusion, but treating it as an illusion is very difficult for most of us. When we experience something in our reality, it seems very real. How do we treat experience as an illusion?

Master:      Limited experience is something that you have created, and what you have created is indeed very real. You may participate fully in your reality without losing yourself in it. The illusion is in the conflict, the struggle. There is no conflict. Everything is as it should be. Everything is in balance. All that is, is of The One. Your reality is not the illusion. The illusion is that you are separate from your creation. This sense of separation causes the conflict.


The Path in the mind

Student:    Do we choose the life we will have before we are born.

Master:      Choices are not made before. Choices are made now. There is only the now.

Student:    I know that's true, but it seems that sometimes we have no control over what happens to us. Do we choose those experiences before are were born?

Master:      You did not choose. You choose. Every moment holds the fullness of The One. This is not something that goes away simply because you are not aware of it.


The One

Master:      All that is, is of The One.



Student:    What can we do to make this Knowledge a part of our daily lives?

Master:      There is nothing to do. Doing only causes the mind to create more expectations. You cannot have expectations without having limi­tations. There is only to be. Be in the moment. When you consider the past, give it only a thought, and then let it go. When you plan for the future, give it the same reflective thought, and let it go. There is no effort involved in being. You are, at this very moment, at the very center of The One. This has always been true, but you have not known it. Now you can know it. Now you can be.

Student:    I know that's true, but it seems like we're always struggling to remain aware of it in our daily lives. There seems to be a continual struggle.

Master:      Your struggle is internal. It is because you have not learned that there is Balance in The One. Your mind thinks that you are not in Balance.

Student:    Then should we just accept everything that comes our way and not do anything?

Master:      To do, as you say, is to attempt to correct something that your mind tells you is not in Balance. All is in Balance. All is in The One. All you do must be in this Balance, and your being is the learning to recognize this Balance.

Student:    It still sounds like just accepting everything that comes along.

        Master:      Balance in doing is like taking a step. In order to move, you must leave where you are. In this motion, there is the appearance of not having Balance. But it is just the appearance, the Balance is in the motion. In all things that appear in conflict, in all that is presented by your mind as opposites, observe both, but choose neither. In doing so, you remain in Balance, in motion. The moment you chose, you have stopped the motion. The positive and negative aspects of your reality are a product of your mind. All is as it should be. All that is, is of The One. There is only Balance, and this Balance is in motion.



        Student:    What about when things really seem bad, I mean, when there are major changes in our lives that we seem to have no control over? I know that there is Balance in that, too, but what are we to do?

Master:      All of these things are the result of your choices, and are of your creation. In all of these things there is Balance. It is your mind telling you that you are not in Balance. All that is, is of The One. How can Balance not be?

Student:    Knowing that is one thing, but applying it in those situations is another.

Master:      And yet the Master does just that.



Student:    How should I meditate?

Master:      Meditate on the center.

Student:    But shouldn't I practice a certain kind of meditation?

Master:      Meditation is the focus of attention, nothing more. Meditate in your center, and allow your Balance to be.

Student:    Should I choose something that reminds me of The One?

Master:      Is your body pleasing to you?

Student:    No, not really. I mean it is, but not for meditation.

Master:      Your body is a reflection of your mind and is of The One. It will do you no good to focus your attention on something outside yourself unless you are pleased with yourself. Meditate with your body. Begin with your breath, and become aware of the Balance within yourself.



Student:    Do I have any Karma as a result of my past lives?

Master:      The only Karma you have is the Karma you choose to keep.



Student:    Is reincarnation a fact? Have people here lived past lives?

Master:      Yes. Many here have lived in experience before.

Student:    Is it a part of some plan so that we can learn and grow?

Master:      A plan?

Student:    Yes, a plan so we can learn that we don't have to come back.

Master:      No one must come back. Many choose to, but that is their choice.

Student:    Then why come back?

Master:      It is a choice, but many make the choice not knowing. Most do not leave this experience with the Knowledge they require in order to return to The One.

Student:    Why would anyone choose to come here in the first place?

Master:      Reason is not required for a choice to be made.

Student:    But once we make the choice, we're stuck with it?

Master:      No one is stuck anywhere. You are free to leave now. You are also free to have any life you wish, any illusion you wish, in any time you wish. This includes all the past lives you speak of. They are all there, in The One.


The Script

Student:    I know we have a limited perspective of the world around us. Do children have a broader perspective?

Master:      Have you not heard the Masters tell you to become like little children? Very small children are aware of much more than most adults. A child must learn to respond to the illusion around them. This takes much time, and many lessons.



Student:    I've done so much in the past that I feel I have to go through some kind of cleansing or something. You tell me that I'm worthy now, that all are worthy now. I believe it, but how can I convince my mind that it's true? I still have these feelings.

Master:      This idea of unworthiness-this is a result of your mind, your ego. When you consider the past, you should know that it is neither good nor bad. The potential for your past, for everyone's past, always has been. That potential still is. It has not gone away. It is in Balance. You must see it in Balance. It can be no other way.

Student:    But what if what I've done has caused something bad to happen.

Master:      Good and bad exist only in your illusion. Even as you experience the illusion, there is only Balance. Your mind chooses to remember the imbalance you have been taught to see. Your mind will not allow you to see what Balance there is in the bad that you say you have done. All is in Balance. All is as it should be. It can be no other way. You must know that.

Student:    How would you define evil?

Master:      There is no definition, for the concept of evil is not with us; but for you to understand, evil is that which is limiting.


The Movie Will End

Master:      The reality that you know is in constant motion. This is because there is constant motion in The One. To become still is to become one with the motion of The One. This is the first and the natural state of the human spirit. To become still is to exist in this flow of motion.

Student:    Isn't the motion in our reality the same as the motion of The One? I've heard the saying, "As above, so below." Isn't it true that all we experience has its motion in The One?

Master:      It is true, but the truth of the saying in your reality is limited to your concept of experience. The One holds all potential always. All experience is available always, and with just a thought. One can enjoy experience without the need to sacrifice awareness. Your experience involves a process of limiting awareness. This is the process we call death. You think of it as the death of the body, but it is the death of awareness.

Student:    Then, if we were aware, our body would live longer?

Master:      That would be your choice. The body is but a reflection of your awareness. Your body begins to grow old when your awareness becomes more limited. This happens as you grow from a child to what you call an adult.




Student:    What happens to us when we die?

Master:      When you die?

Student:    When our physical life ends?

Master:      What happens to you depends on you. What you call death is not an ending, but a beginning. It is a birth, and you must decide now if it is to be a birth of experience or a birth of awareness.


The Transpersonal Realm

Student:    What happens when we no longer desire experience and become fully aware of The One?

Master:      It begins again.

Student:    But if we are already perfect, if we're already of The One, it seems that all this isn't necessary, that it's all a mistake.

Master:      Mistake? A child is born perfect, with all the abilities of an adult, yet the child must grow. This is because the child has chosen the experience. This is not a mistake. It is a choice.

Student:    But is it necessary?

Master:      It is not necessary. It is the choice of the child. Your experience is not necessary, but you have chosen it.

Student:    Then there is no purpose in it, no reason for it?

Master:      There is only the purpose that you have chosen, only the reason that you give.


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Student:    I once asked you what happens when we become fully aware of The One. You said that it begins again. How does it begin again?

Master:      I do not recall that question.

        Student:    We were talking about experience being unnecessary. You said that experience is not necessary, that it is a choice.

Master:      The choice of either experience or awareness is the choice of Spirit. Balance is in the Heart. The desire for experience is the nature of Spirit. The desire for awareness is the nature of Spirit. The Heart is the center. It is without beginning and without end.

Student:    Then why did you say that it would begin again?

Master:      Your question asked what happens when you no longer desire experience. When you no longer desire experience, you are no longer in Balance. The desire for experience is the nature of the creative Spirit. The desire for awareness is the nature of the creative Spirit. The Heart is the center. The One is all. You are in The One always, but you experience The One only when you are in Balance. When you do not recognize your desire for experience, you have left the Heart, where there is no beginning or end, and created a beginning for yourself.


A Master

Student:    Isn't there something I could do that would help my growth? I feel like I should be doing something.

Master:      A Master is still, yet there is always motion. The motion is the process of continual emptying.

Student:    Well, I still feel like I should be doing something. How can we be emptying ourselves without doing?

Master:      What would you do? You know that all is in Balance, and that you are, and always have been, in the very center of this Balance. Is there something that must be changed, something that must be corrected?

Student:    No, I know that there is nothing of that sort to do, but I still feel like I should be doing something. Perhaps it is just my mind.

Master:      There is something to do, something you do while you are in Balance. You reflect the Balance of The One, that is all. You do this right where you are, right now. Empty yourself of your awareness. Empty yourself of your experience. Empty your Balance into this thing your mind calls reality. This is the doing of the Master. To seek change by doing is the activity of the mind. There is nothing to change, nothing to do. To empty your Balance into The One is to be.


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Master:      You have questions?

Student:    No, I don't have any questions.

Master:      Ah! But there is a question on your Heart. Tell me about your question.

Student:    Well, it feels like a question, but there is no way I could put it into words. It's more like a feeling than a question. It feels like a wonder - like an awe. Why does it feel like a question when it's a wonder?

Master:      It is the mind understanding the Heart. What will you do with this question?

Student:    I don't understand. What's there to do?

Master:      What do you think of this question?

Student:    There isn't any thinking, there is just the wonder of it all.

Master:      You have no further need for me. Now you are the Master.


(from “The Path” by William Cozzolino)




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