Thoughts on Temporal LOVE: The Life Force



The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.                   (G.K. Chesterton – “Everlasting Man”)

Adam knew that he had been deeply wounded. It seemed as though a major part of him had been ripped away. Over a year and a half ago, he had lost his beloved mate of 53 years, to Death. It had not been sudden, since she had become afflicted with terminal lung cancer, after which – with the assistance of the local Hospice volunteers and in-house nursing visitations – he’d cared for her almost to the end. [That story was recorded in And Then There’ll Be One” – a paean written to his “Eve” midway through her dying time, with a later concluding addendum] For several months afterwards Adam had been disconsolate, pushing himself to handle deferred maintenance around the old home, and also trying to get back into shape after his role of primary care-given was over. Then he attended Hospice bereavement group sessions and took Mindfully Based Stress Reduction courses, and as well he deeply studied into Love and her twin Grief, as he tried to heal from the loss of his wife. While he didn’t consider himself as ‘depressed’, he certainly was often very sad, but his studies confirmed that this state was quite natural under the circumstances, and not to be pharmaceutically adjusted. Adam knew from long experience that if he was feeling sad, then it was OK to feel it ... to really feel it, allowing its full expression. That he should be in the moment with the pain of sadness, and allow it to come and pass, as all things do. But to not hold onto sadness longer than necessary, nor discard it too soon ... but to simply abide with it.


Adam now felt very much alone, and he missed his woman in all ways – for that matter he came to miss having a help-mate woman in his life. He’d been used to loving another, and being loved by her in return. He missed the feeling of being part of a couple, and co-caring for each other’s wellbeing. Lady, his faithful old black and tan hound, had had to be euthanized just prior to his wife’s death, so except for Remedy the old cat, the house was very quiet. He came to realize his dilemma – the existential problem faced by the ‘survivor’ of a long-standing relationship, for having loved (invested in) another deeply, it is as though the beloved becomes part of ones very own central nervous system, and when she dies, so much goes with her. When his Eve had died, with her had departed his most treasured memories, the sense of identity, structure, future, co-adventure and mutual support, and his sense of YOUTH. While she had been with him, the dream had continued – when she left, he sensed the loss of so much of himself. In passing certain places on their trails having significance, or where her ashes had fallen through his fingers in accordance with her wishes and their mapping, there was no way of evading his sense of loss – the loss of the best years of his life.

The people we most love do become a physical part of us, ingrained in our synapses, in the pathways where memories are created.                                                                                              (Meghan O’Rourke - “The Long Goodbye”)

Then after a time, Adam came to see that when any relationship ends, notwithstanding one’s desire and efforts for it to continue, one may then have to realize just how impermanent life really is, and how the belief that it could have been otherwise had been a myth. For even if the precious relationship were to have continued longer, it would have been subject to change, for change is the rule in all things. Thus in a sense his relationship with Eve would have ceased to be what he had been so attached to, with some of his attachment being to an unknown – but imagined – future. This realization helped soften the blow Adam had to face in relation to what he’d wanted, but now would no longer have. Thus in time he could see that his loss had not been as great as initially imagined. Of course he still had feelings of sadness, and these had to felt and experienced. But appreciating impermanence allowed him to look at the situation in a pragmatic light, and thereby begin his healing process. When he truly understood at a gut feeling level that everything in life is fragile and impermanent, his appreciation of the present was enhanced. Acceptance of the reality of impermanence led him to an existence with less suffering, and helped him avoid unrealistic expectations that something would stay the same or last beyond its time.

Several years earlier, when they were both still very healthy, one day they had performed an experiment. With separate clipboards on which to write, they had put to paper their individual advice to each other as to what the ‘survivor’ should do should the other die first. Their responses when compared later were virtually the same: that if their love had been strong, in time the survivor should carry that love on to a new mate. The world needed all the love that could be manifested. 

So after a while Adam had tentatively started looking for a new mate. People counseled him ”not to compare” new prospects with his Eve – but he quickly saw that advice as shallow, for Eve was part of himself – his eyes were lensed by memories of her, his ears conditioned to her sounds. She was a part of him – how could he not “compare”. And he knew himself sufficiently to recognize that he was still not whole, so he was hesitant to deepen any nascent relationships, for – although the experiences were welcome distractions from the ongoing pain of grief – he just didn’t yet feel right. Further, even in his damaged state he could appreciate that – while it might be sometimes awful being alone, it might well be God-awful to be tethered to the wrong mate.


So Adam hiked, and biked, and studied … and wondered about what he should do about the rest of his life, being still physically healthy and gradually healing from his loss.

This, then, is what he discovered as he penetrated the mists of male-female attraction.


In the phenomenon of Light energetically evolving into Life, there has been a mystery which has fascinated humans for eons. This is the mystery involving the progression between man and woman of attraction, desire, anticipation, infatuation, soul-mates, lust/consummation, and the feeling of being-in-love ... all of which (and yes, perhaps Life itself) commences and is realized within the mind. But then he noted that – after their primal interlude – either party might realize that they were in a troubling intellectual/spiritual mismatch – for one person may be a perennial ‘quester’, full of a natural curiosity and wonder about all things, in effect a life-long natural student – whereas the other may be more vegetative, only interested in creature comforts and being “happy”. Such a couple may struggle to find a common path for some time, yet eventually decide to part, and neither may be able to articulate where the problem was. So let’s try to penetrate through the fog of relationship, by looking at the dynamic in an objective and detached way, thereby breaking down the whole issue into the various components of the male-female enigma.

[And along the way we’ll invite others to comment through their writings]



The positive and negative elements, in the form known as masculinity and femininity, two aspects of a single manifestation, are in a state of imbalance in male and female respectively, each manifesting an excess of one element.

The association of male and female has the apparent effect of restoring this double imbalance to a state of equilibrium. Since the attainment of equilibrium is constantly and automatically sought throughout manifestation, the mutual attraction of male and female and the mutual need of one another thereby becomes comprehensible.

But it is a need that can never attain fulfillment during life, nor anything but a simulation thereof. From this, there results all sexual performances on the one hand, and all specific conflict between the sexes on the other.             (Wei Wu Wei)


As a normal man and woman physically mature into being potential units of reproduction, they are continually scanning their environment, looking for a person of the opposite sex whom they find attractive. Each feels to some extent being incomplete, only a half of the whole. Attraction to another is ones initial impression of the other’s vitality and reproductive fitness, in line with Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection. The sex drive is more in control of our actions and behavior than we’d like to admit. The drive to survive, to continue the species, and specifically, our gene pool, may be at the root of nearly all decisions. In that sexual attraction is the key to a species survival, one can see why Mother Nature has built into all mortal creatures the natural Addiction of Attraction.


What the world generally refers to as love is an intense emotionality combining physical attraction, possessiveness, control, addiction, eroticism, and novelty.                                                                    (David R. Hawkins - Power Vs Force)




In all species, nature works to renew itself as it works to nourish itself, and to protect itself from danger, each by its kind and for its kind, in the great work of continuation that is evolution. In humankind the work of renewal lies in the work of affection, the bond of one to another made by desire.                       (AC Grayling - The Good Book: A Humanist Bible)


Many societies tend to condemn desire, on the theory that desire can translate into greed and hyper-competitiveness whereby inequalities accumulate and many fall through the cracks. Admittedly, preoccupation with material possessions to the neglect of the deeper aspects of life can be harmful. Yet across all species, competition occurs in the selection process whereby the gene pools of species are enriched and the collective advances, in that the more intelligent and fitter members tend to have a greater influence upon genetic outcomes. And likewise – in the mating games of humans – adults of either gender usually seek out the best available life-partners for themselves, hence a desire for quality and fitness in prospective mates is always in mind.


The energy called desire has been condemned for centuries. Almost all the so-called saints have been against it because desire is life and they were all life-negative. Desire is the very source of all that you see, and the ‘saints’ were against all that which is visible. They wanted to sacrifice the visible at the feet of the invisible; they wanted to cut the roots of desire so there would no longer be any possibility of life… I have a totally different concept of desire.

First: desire itself is God. Desire without any object, desire without being goal-oriented, unmotivated desire, pure desire, is God. The energy called desire is the same energy as God. Desire has not to be destroyed; it has to be purified. Desire has not to be dropped; it has to be transformed. Your very being is desire; to be against it is to be against yourself and against all. To be against it is to be against the flowers and the birds and the sun and the moon… Your desire is as big as the sky - even the sky is not the limit to it…

The intelligent person stops desiring objects… he starts living his desire in its purity, moment to moment. He is full of desire, full of overflowing energy. His ordinary life becomes so intense, so passionate, that whatsoever he touches will be transformed.                                                                                  (OSHO Rajneesh)


In effect, desire is the Will to Be, and it is embedded within every cell of every life form. And yes, when a person is so fortunate as to be conjoined with another who similarly wills, hungers and desires to be worthy of the gift of life, in some ways they both share the power of ten.

The supreme state of human love is the unity of one soul in two bodies.                 (Sri Aurobindo – “Synthesis of Yoga”)



Are the lovers also friends? Would they seek each other out if they should cease to be primary partners?                                                                                                                                                                                      (Stanton Peele - Love and Addiction)

We all wonder, and dream, and have aspirations about our possible mates and the fruition of union with them. And often as the couple try to get to know each other, their relationship goes through the Friendship phase, during which their mutual affinities and common interests and goals can be explored. In the fullness of time, bit by bit, their relationship can ripen.

We ask everything of love. We ask it to be anarchic. We ask it to be the glue that holds the family together, that allows society to be orderly and allows all kinds of material processes to be transmitted from one generation to another. But I think that the connection between love and sex is very mysterious. Part of the modern ideology of love is to assume that love and sex always go together. They can, I suppose, but I think rather to the detriment of either one or the other. And probably the greatest problem for human beings is that they just don’t. And why do people want to be in love? That’s really interesting. Partly, they want to be in love the way you want to go on a roller coaster again – even knowing you’re going to have your heart broken. What fascinates me about love is what it has to do with all the cultural expectations and the values that have been put into it. I’ve always been amazed by the people who say, “I fell in love, I was madly, passionately in love, and I had this affair.” And then a lot of stuff is described and you ask, “How long did it last?” And the person will say, “A week, I just couldn’t stand him or her."                             (Susan Sontag: The Complete Rolling Stone Interview)   


And do all cross-gender friendships automatically progress to consummation? Of course not, but still, some do, and these relationships may be relatively more stable.


I have loved people passionately whom I wouldn’t have slept with for anything, but I think that’s something else. That’s friendship-love, which can be a tremendously passionate emotion, and it can be tender and involve a desire to hug or whatever. But it certainly doesn’t mean you want to take off your clothes with that person. But certain friendships can be erotic. Oh, I think friendship is very erotic, but it isn’t necessarily sexual. I think all my relationships are erotic: I can’t imagine being fond of somebody I don’t want to touch or hug, so therefore there’s always an erotic aspect to some extent.                                                                          (Susan Sontag: The Complete Rolling Stone Interview)



Sometimes it feels as though we have found our missing half – analogous to the way a key fits a lock, the couple’s energies and communication processes meld together. The romantic “glance across a room” may lock the two into temporary or even life-long union. It feels as though we have found a part of ourselves from an earlier time, and the feeling may cement the two together for this current life-passage. Yet such a feeling of instant rapport may not last permanently, but rather only bring the two together so that necessary things can be realized within the mind of one (or both), and then each can go forward to the next step of their destiny. Yet without their time together, neither of them might have been prepared for the coming challenge.

I’m not laughing.” I was actually crying. “And please don’t laugh at me now, but I think the reason it’s so hard for me to get over this guy is because I seriously believed David was my soul mate. “He probably was. Your problem is you don’t understand what that word means. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it. Your problem is, you just can’t let this one go. It’s over. David’s purpose was to shake you up, drive you out of your marriage that you needed to leave, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light could get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you had to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master and beat it. That was his job, and he did great, but now it’s over. Problem is, you can’t accept that his relationship had a real short shelf life. You’re like a dog at the dump, baby – you’re just lickin’ at the empty tin can, trying to get more nutrition out of it. And if you’re not careful, that can’s gonna get stuck on your snout forever and make your life miserable. So drop it.”         “But I love him.”   “So love him.”          “But I miss him.”       “So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, then drop it. You’re just afraid to let go of the last bits of David because then you’ll be really alone, and Liz Gilbert is scared to death of what will happen if she’s really alone. But here’s what you gotta understand: If you clear out all that space in your mind that you’re using right now to obsess about this guy, you’ll have a vacuum there, an open spot – a doorway. And guess what the universe will do with the doorway? It will rush in – God will rush in – and fill you with more love than you ever dreamed. So stop using David to block that door. Let it go.”                   (Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love)

The temporary ‘soul-mate’ relationship can feel so real … and without that feeling of reality, the necessary work couldn’t be accomplished. And, since again each has become invested in the other, if/when it comes time for the two to part, partition can be very painful.                       


Infatuation is Mother Nature’s double-edged ‘gift’ to mortals, and a very welcome and beautiful experience it is for a mate-hungry man and woman. The gift of infatuation may be so powerful that when honored through sexual fusion while both are fertile and Mother Nature’s plan can be fulfilled, a new generation may come into being. But infatuation is very powerful, and can be so tricky. When in infatuation, one’s cognitive acuity and normal critical faculties may become drugged by the genetic drives to reproduce, and subsequently life for the individuals can be messy – old Ma Nature doesn’t overly concern herself with matters other than reproduction – so it’s left to the individuals themselves to take care of their futures.

Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don’t blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being “in love”, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.                                                                                                                                                                               (Louis de Bernières)


For the two, surfing Ma Nature’s frequencies of infatuation can be very thrilling, yet at root it is very serious stuff. For this is the soil within which life-long commitments can be cemented and new life can root … and for the individuals themselves, perhaps the essential difference between mere existence and meaningful life.

Unfortunately, either or both participants can be in the 'game' for egoistic reasons, for example only to elevate personal self-esteem … and then there are those who are on a seduction 'score' count (and yes, females are as inclined to that process as are males). And so, Gentle Readers, it is necessary to be cautious, or at least awake and prudent.


“Between the desire and the spasm” – each of us owes his being to the fact that at some moment a man and a woman leapt the gap.                                                                                                   (Quote by T S Eliot, commentary by Rollo May)

It has to be recognized that without the platform of coital union, none of us would be here, unless via ‘immaculate conception’ as declared in the fables re Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Horus, Melchizedek, Lao-Tzu, Quetzalcoatl et al, by the priests for the mystification of their flocks.

What is this world? I wondered. What is its aim and in what way can we help to attain it during our ephemeral lives? The aim of man and matter is to create joy, according to Zorba – others would say “to create spirit”, but that comes to the same thing on another plane. But why? With what object? And when the body dissolves, does anything at all remain of what we have called the soul? Or does nothing remain, and does our unquenchable desire for immortality spring, not from the fact that we are immortal, but from the fact that during the short span of our life we are in the service of something immortal?                                                                                                                                       (Nikos Kazantzakis - Zorba The Greek)

Sometimes in the throes of passion, one almost feels – that through their own mortal bodies – it is the gods themselves who are mating. And the euphoria that accompanies the lovers when they make love and attain orgasm, combined with being together in the moment, can lead them to the feeling that they are deeply connected with the universe, and its Source.

However, the question may arise: do we have to be merely puppets on another’s stage, even Mother Nature’s? And if the idea of being a puppet doesn't appeal, then perhaps the various elements of the “attraction/ infatuation, etc process” might be ever more critically examined, tested and better understood. Take the initial “attraction” – both male and female “poles” may present themselves as being fully discrete, yet both deeply sense that each is incomplete, two halves yearning for unification – yin and yang each searching for, and wanting to adhere and meld with to its counterpart. But as in any other somatic addiction, reason may be drowned out by the physical cravings, leading the individuals into blind alleys, mismatches and suffering.


We often say ‘love’ when we really mean, and are acting out, an addiction … a sterile, ingrown dependency relationship, with another person serving as the object of our need for security.”           (Stanton Peele - Love and Addiction)

See, it is one thing to be an agent on the stage of another's design, yet better to be the principal steering one’s own destiny. One can – to some extent - become the principal when one steps aside from any component of the process and ‘sees’ what is going on dynamically and then adopts measures to influence events – and subsequently step-by-step apply that same detachment to each of the other components in the sequence. For instance, one who has had a long relationship with a fellow-quester but later becomes bereft, may in time re-stabilize and realize
the type of mate necessary to be around ... someone who has dug into life and seen a good bit and who has continued to upgrade personal skills and can weigh matters and speak cogently, constructively and deeply to the other.


It also has to be noted that there is a ‘shadow’ side involved in the mating game. The forces for fusion are strong but blind, and have to be guided. 


I greatly admire your passion to ascertain the truth – a passion that has come to dominate all else in your thinking. You have shown with irresistible lucidity how inseparably the aggressive and destructive instincts are bound up in the human psyche with those of love and the lust for life.                                                        (Einstein to Freud – correspondence)

Some people liken the mating game to “The dance of the chase”, and many ladies like the man to lead in that dance. Both parties may come to feel that "The thrill is in the chase" ... that peace comes with "the catch" … and love develops "in the journey". It can also be seen that the aggressive and consuming instincts are inseparably bound up in the human psyche with those of sexual lust and the love of life.

Every moment death was dying and being reborn, just like life. For thousands of years young girls and boys have danced beneath the tender foliage of the trees in spring – beneath the poplars, firs, oaks, planes and slender palms – and they will go on dancing for thousands more years, their faces consumed with desire. Faces change, crumble, return to earth; but others rise to take their place. There is only one dancer, but he has a thousand masks. He is always twenty. He is immortal.                                                                                                                                                 (Nikos Kazantzakis – Zorba The Greek)




Despite what the romantic addicts allege, enduring Love itself seems to be a slower developing, deeper realization that comes about between the two over time-space as they explore all the aspects of each other’s whole beings - each other’s minds, emotions, bodies and souls … and it (Love) softly emerges almost out of sight, and grows until they both realize that to be with each other is where they were destined to be, and where they want to be, and must be, as they engage in the sacrament of “Two as One ... for better or worse, in sickness and health, until Death do part”.


Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.   (Thomas Merton)





And THEN, after some time in sadness and in searching and research and forest-reverie, Adam saw what had been missing – that which had once been in his life, but had been overlooked in his search. He’d been trying to respond to others’ cues, instead of forming his own standards as to the type of person who would be acceptable to himself in his own realm over the long run. That is why he’d had such difficulty in trying to select an appropriate mate from the pool of women who – alike their conventional friends – doted on their circles and clubs and material possessions and grandkids, but who had seldom looked into anything mind-challenging since graduation. Adam had been a life-long quester, as had been his Eve. He wouldn’t for long be satisfied being around a ‘conventional’.

Despite his naturalist bent, sometimes Adam recalled a strange incident that had occurred mid-way through his Eve’s ten month dying time. A snow storm had rolled in, and he and she had been picking up supplies in town, and an old stranger had started up a conversation with him. The old chap had professed having esoteric knowledge about life and death issues, and Adam had mentioned his wife’s circumstances. Then as they’d parted, the stranger mentioned not having a strong plastic bag in which to convey his purchases home on his ATV, and Adam had offered him one that he had in his car trunk. The stranger asked if that was Adam’s wife sitting in the car (it was) and then he asked if he could pray for Eve. Adam said that would be up to Eve, and he asked her. She surprised him by acceding, and so her car door was opened, and right there in the slush and ice of the parking lot the stranger had went to his knees and prayed for her for several minutes, raising the eyebrows of passers-by. Afterwards Adam had walked back to the stranger’s ATV with him, and the stranger said “You know, she’s going to die”. Adam said “Of course”. The stranger said “But that’s not the end, for one day you and she will meet each other again”. Adam rolled his eyes skyward and said “Oh yeah, on Cloud Nine”. The stranger then said “No – in this life. One day, on this plane, you’ll encounter each other again, and in the moment recognize each other by spiritual vision”. Then the stranger had climbed onto his ATV and rode off into the storm, and Adam never saw him again. Yet months later he’s remembered, and wondered … perhaps just around the next corner … then he’d catch himself – for such a thing was impossible, wasn’t it??

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

(James Baldwin)


A couple who remains together, tests each other on an ongoing basis. The role of the egos often gets a bad rap. In day to day life, a person’s ego is essential to survival, and serves the purpose of helping him or her function in reality. Our egos exist to protect us from pain, and defense mechanisms and other cognitive processes of the ego help us sustain our equilibrium. And when it comes to falling in love, we rely on our egos to help us negotiate the terrain.

A lady poet of Adam’s acquaintance had said of Love “A person feels ‘in love’ when his or her own ego feels loved. Love is entirely subjective”. It would follow that one may project ‘love’ to another, so as to evoke from the other person that feeling toward oneself of being loved. On that perspective, love transactions can be seen as a bit self-serving, if not manipulative, for if one knows how much another loves (needs) them, then the one may exercise a measure of domination and control over the other.


I met an old lady once, almost a hundred years old, and she told me, 'There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. “How much do you love me?” And “Who's in charge?”

Everything else is somehow manageable. But these two questions of love and control undo us all, trip us up and cause war, grief, and suffering.’                                                                                                          (Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love)

In the better relationships, though, each person tries to come to an understanding of self and mate, so that the needs and motivations and capabilities of both may meld. True sustaining passion between a couple is not about wild, crazy infatuation or hot sex, but about the subtle intimacies that the two share – the words unspoken, the needs understood, their delicate understandings ... and yes, the silence.


It is in the understanding of each other that true love is born and nurtures and lives. For that is the secret of a lasting love, the one word: understanding. Only when there is this understanding, this common sympathy for each other, can true love function. … So it can be seen that the love which grows out of a long friendship is more desired than the love which is generated suddenly at first sight. If, after the sudden burst of first love, the lovers realize that they must learn to know each other thoroughly and they go about learning each other, then their love will be lasting. But, experience has proven that, usually, those lovers who are catapulted into a love affair at first sight are usually those who are quick-tempered. A hair-trigger emotion such as love at first sight can only be possessed by people with hair-trigger temperaments.                                                                                                                                                                              (Pietro Ramirez Sr. – How To Make Love)    

Normally, a man and woman only become carnally involved if the bio-chemistry of attraction is already present between them. Later, after the post-coital glow recedes, either may awaken and wonder if there is any real spiritual/intellectual depth present in the other … or whether there is actually much present in the ‘other’ beyond what nature had originally implanted. For gender polarity and coital proclivity is generally present to some degree in all creatures, but what human wants to stay with another who hasn’t built upon the earlier genetic base, nor even seen the need to. If there is little present, one may decide to move on – and in ending the relationship perhaps not even be able to explain the “why” to the other in words that the other would understand. 

Yet if soul-building is an ongoing quest for both lovers, then each is always new to the other, and hence an unfinished wonder that continues to unfold so long as the two endure as one.

A thought transfixed me – for the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set down by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart. The salvation of man is through love, and in love.                                                                                          (Viktor Frankl) 




In later life, a man and a woman who had lost their former mates, yet who themselves are still bio-vital – may feel a strong physical attraction to each other. The old, instinctual genetic mating impulses linger. Their natural physical attraction to each other – when boosted by memories of earlier coital joys – may result in a very intense emotional infatuation between themselves. As anticipation builds within the couples’ minds, they may feel certain that they are again in love. The human functional mind, metaphorically, is like a double organ: one part is called “PAST”, and we reach into our past memories (as Borges wrote, “We are our memories”) – and then we review the relevant past memories within our “Theater of The Mind”; the most likely options to deal with the challenge at hand are then projected into the second mind organ, named “FUTURE” – a part of which is the cognitive system that anticipates and reflects, and tests models to address the future challenge, and thereby a best path forward may be determined and engaged using the energies of the secondary FUTURE phase, namely the Will. Individuals can will themselves into believing that they are again in love.

A couple’s decision to proceed in a late-stage relationship may at the time seem to be very rational, but the union may only be a transient infatuation. For soon they may realize that they are mismatched, that both are rather set in their ways, that they individually have lots of life-style ‘baggage’, and also come to appreciate the problem of surrendering their individual freedoms and independence. It almost seems that those late-stage connections which endure better do so because of the individuals’ security needs – for example that the two could economically live together better under one roof than apart under two.

When the satisfaction or the security of another person becomes as significant to one as is one’s own satisfaction or security, then a state of love exists. So far as I know, under no other circumstances is a state of love present, regardless of the popular usage of the word.             (Henry Stack Sullivan - The Human Organism and Its Necessary Environment)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


Adam knew that one could learn a lot from books, but many things can only be really learned the hard way: by directly experiencing life, being prepared to make mistakes, and sometimes suffering. For it’s through mistakes that we often best learn – suffering from mistakes ‘sears’ our psyches, and prepares us for advancement, step-by-step, along the path of realization. He also came to appreciate that the best way to avoid anxiety, stress and unhappiness is to avoid internal contradiction; one shouldn’t think that a certain path is right yet then do the opposite. One should always listen to the internal guide and then obey it.


For decades, Adam had “walked along the paths of the giants” in that he had studied the lives and philosophies of those who had left their findings for posterity … and now he recalled the advice of the Roman philosopher Seneca “All those who call you to themselves draw you away from yourself”. If he were to give himself to another, it would be necessary to carefully ascertain what reciprocal values the other would bring into his own life. In time, the combination of critical study and practical research allowed him to target his mate selection efforts away from the mundane, toward a very specific type of person. And if she were never found, at least he would have developed a personal attitude of solitary self-reliance – again, better alone than with the wrong ‘other’. And of course, the Spirit of his Eve had been there within, now melded into his own to help guide him. 

Specifically, Adam came to realize that his search should focus on finding one who – akin to himself – aspired to be a perennial quester, humbly curious about her world and engaged in self-development, always looking into nature, psychology, science, philosophy … and able to build upon earlier findings. Aware of the shortness of mortal existence, she would aspire to living wide rather than existing long, would be always evolving as a work in progress and thus an ongoing delight to her man. She would be one who truly valued her time in life, was self-disciplined, wasting no precious time in fruitless chatter with idle people. As well, she would be one who would endeavor to keep herself healthy and fit by diet and exercise so as to better quest and enjoy the Banquet of Life with him, as long as possible.

And so Adam continued his solitary life, yet sometimes recalled the old stranger’s message, and occasionally he wondered if she might be awaiting him, as yet out of sight … maybe around the next corner …


Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.         

                                                                                                                    (Rossiter Worthington Raymond 1840-1910)




                                                                                                                                                Posted Jan 13th, 2015





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